Why Buy World Maps For Your Kids? Here Are The Top Three Reasons!

Teaching your kids to learn about the world around them can be quite fascinating. It’s a lovely way to learn more about the world you live in. The kids enjoy learning new things engagingly and enjoyably. Using a basic visual tool like maps can be very beneficial for children to learn something new every day. It instills in children the ability to understand knowledge through curiosity.

Let’s look at the top reasons why you must encourage your kids to learn world maps:

  • Develops analytical abilities

Reading maps is an excellent element for children’s analytical reasoning development. And this is one of the most important types of reasoning to develop as you get older. Geographical maps aid children in the creation of this inner world. They show him the relative positions of objects, places, towns, and countries. 

  • Knows the world around them

Kids must be able to identify locations listed in the news or their books. Children must identify a place’s name with the area in which that place is found. This information will be ingrained in his memory and will assist the child in becoming more effective in an interconnected world.

  • Inspiring decor 

This is important for the kids to notice things around them and you should put up inspiring things around them for decorating their rooms. World maps are the perfect things to use for decoration purposes for your kids. Furthermore, a world map is an unrivaled focal point in context to being an excellent learning tool. You cannot refuse a wall map’s historical beauty and grace.

Buy coloring world maps from our store because these are a fun way to learn and you can simply color it and put it up on your walls to enhance the elegance of your rooms!

Motivate Your Child to be More Than Just a Bookworm

Nobody likes a bookworm, isn’t it? Then do not let your child become one. Education is an integral part of a person’s life but one should not completely depend on it for learning. Try to encourage your child to play indoor as well as outdoor games as per their preference. Playing is rather a very important part of a child’s life. Every parent desires to see their child progress along the road to success, which can only be achieved through proper education. However, this does not imply that a child would become a bookworm. He or she may also participate in games and activities.

Playing games helps us to develop in life and expands our awareness, skills, and abilities. It guides us to evolve into strong individuals who can reason and maintain a positive attitude in their lives.

Try to make connections with your child and then you can encourage them to pursue a board game or maybe some kind of outdoor activity. Assist your child in applying what he or she is learning in class to real-life situations. Making links between the outside world and your child’s own life will help your child become more interested in playing. If your child is facing some issues studying some of the most difficult topics in geography or history, then the best way to teach them is by using an interactive board game.

Order Geografika now, With our immersive map games, your kids can learn fun facts about the world. It contains over 280 hand-drawn drawings, as well as names of countries, rivers, lakes, oceans & seas, mammals, reptiles & amphibians, birds, sea animals, festivals, food, sports, and more. Place your order for Geografika now!

Board Games And What It Has to Offer For The Kids

Numerous research and analyses have shown that board games are very important for a child’s mental and social growth. When children play board games, they gain a range of skills, ranging from increased concentration to creative development. There are enjoyable and insightful board games that help children have fun. These games assist in the development of skills such as decision-making, social interaction, and critical thinking.

Let’s discuss the top benefits of the board games for the kids:

  • Early learning 

In tossing pieces all around the board, even basic games help young children distinguish colors, count spaces, and improve hand-eye coordination and coordination. Furthermore, understanding to wait your turn and follow the rules are essential experiences that children can take with them well beyond the living room floor.

  • Boosts curiosity 

It is a wonderful way to learn about the world in which you work. The kids enjoy learning about new things engagingly and enjoyably. Using a simple visual aid like charts can be very useful for children to learn something new every day. 

  • Improves the focus of the child 

While played against interruptions, board games can help prolong the attention span of a child, but to reap the advantages, everybody needs to contribute to seeing the game through to the end. 

  • Inculcates teamwork 

Children’s board games often contain hidden messages about life, such as how your fate can change in a moment, for the better, or the worse. However, in addition to showing them that nothing is guaranteed, board games are a fun way to get kids of all ages to cooperate and team up with each other.

How Visual Learning Can Make Geography Fun

These days most of the books are filled with plain geography facts and then it is expected from kids to remember them by heart, which altogether sounds a very bad idea. At such a young age, when children should be encouraged to explore more and more, they get trapped between this black and white world of books that are boring and not that fun.

So the question arises, “What could be an easy way through which we can make geography fun?” and the answer is “Visuals”.Through engaging and colorful visuals we can make the words geography and fun, synonymous with each other. 

Various Benefits of Visual Learning: 

  • Better Memorization

There is a reason why we are hardly able to remember anything about a book that we read two days ago but remember even the dialogues of a movie that we saw two weeks ago. Visualization is the key to sharper memory. Through many studies, it has been proven that visual learning helps increase retention by 29-42%.

  • Better Understanding

Alluring illustrations can tell better stories than just simple text, making anything more interesting and turning a normal geographical fact into a fun little tale. This also helps in enhancing the concentration of kids as the appealing graphics can keep them glued to their books for a longer period. 

  • Fillip to Creative Abilities

By learning through creative ways the children are bound to become innovative. The colors along with gorgeous graphics and figures will encourage them to explore their imaginations more and give a boost to their cognitive abilities as well.

Through maps that represent continents with little images of their native animals, food, and much more, is the right way to start the development towards education which amplifies overall development of a child and that also with fun. 

Short Blog:

Let your Child Explore

By playing an educational game, the children get to be able to grasp a new concept or idea, take on a different viewpoint, or experiment with different options or variables. They also enjoy exploring the world around them in a fun way. 

Learning through Playing

Game-based learning has changed the emphasis from learning with lectures and written assignments to learning with games, and modern education has become an important part of it.  It helps the children to interactively explore new ways of learning about the world and culture around them.

Why is Learning Geography Beneficial for Kids?

There is far more to geography than that. Geography involves the study of humans and their environment, is related to the history of human civilization, and explains human-environment relationships. Geography is pursued by many people as this topic is quite captivating and inspires you to want to learn more.

Major pointers of learning Geography

  • It is Vast 

Geography is more than just charts. Geography’s about understanding what’s where, why it’s there, and why it counts. Knowing geography will make your life more fun, more exciting, and more interesting. Many doors are unlocked by geography.

  • Learn about cultures 

All cultures have unique rhythms, and cultures a world away can echo the sounds you like. All good places to browse for great new world music, food, places to visit that are accessible through geography. 

  • Know the world around you 

The main elements of geography are that it offers us the opportunity to learn about the places and the world we love. This gives a sense of awareness among the children. With deeper meaning and knowledge, studying geography unveils places and spaces. It also helps kids with structural knowledge globally.

  • Develops skills in kids

It is important to develop some significant skills in your children. For children of all ages, geography improves their reading and reasoning skills, not only in the study of maps but also in geography-related learning resources. 

How board games help in child development | Read these 4 important tips

Studies have shown that board games are very vital for the mental and social development of a child. Children are filled with different skills when playing board games, from better focus to artistic growth. There are both fun and informative board games that help you have fun with the kids. These games help to improve skills such as decision-making, engagement with society, and critical thinking.  

Top four benefits of playing board games

Here’s a list of the reasons that why should you encourage your kids to play board games more often:

  • Important to develop social skills 

These are necessary to develop important social skills in your child. While playing these kinds of games, the positive, competitive, and motivational atmosphere facilitates verbal expression thus cultivating qualities such as persistence and commitment.

  • Important for concentration and memory 

By working on the board games, concentration and memory are increased, because they have to remember the guidelines and when it’s their turn to make a pass. For the growth of logical thinking abilities, the ability to concentrate longer, and visual perception, board games are useful.  

  • They spend time together 

A major advantage of playing board games is that kids get to spend some time together and learn different sets of skills from each other. Interactive board games offer an opportunity for children to connect in a meaningful way with their families and friends of their age.

  • Enhanced problem-solving skills

In all aspects of life, problem-solving skills are essential. Most board games require children to examine an issue, figure out all its components, and then find a feasible solution. 

Learn with us

Let your children learn the fun facts of the world with our interactive map games. It includes over 280 illustrations drawn by hand, as well as names of nations, rivers, lakes, oceans & seas, mammals, reptiles & amphibians, birds, sea animals & popular locations, festivals, food, sports, etc. Order your ‘Geogrfika’ today! 

How Game-Based Learning is Beneficial for Your Child!

Game-based learning has been very popular over the years but do we understand what exactly is game-based learning? Well, education has shifted from the conventional classroom blackboards to online learning and game-based interactive learning. Gaming can be exciting and, at the very same time, can make learning enjoyable. With the Educational industry’s innovative and expansive development in recent years, it is very clear that the next big thing is interactive learning.  

Game-based learning is the utilization of gaming along with the educational goals that help to enhance the overall growth of the children. Learning based on games facilitates critical thought and rational reasoning. It also improves problem-solving among children and constructive thinking.

Top Advantages of Game-Based Learning for Your Child:

Let’s go through the top benefits of indulging your child in learning board games:

  • Uplifts self-confidence 

One of the major points here is that board games help alleviate the self-confidence in children. Many studies say that game-based learning improves children’s self-confidence by 20 percent. When progressing to multiple levels, kids experience a sense of achievement.  

  • An improved grasp of the conceptual knowledge 

The habit of learning from educational board games also inculcates the sense of better conceptual knowledge in the children. Game-based learning improves intellectual comprehension and skills in children by almost 10 percent. This is because they learn by immersive games, and can grasp facts better. So in a way, this facilitates a good level learning.

  • Amplifies memory 

Can you believe that game-based learning sharpens the memory of children by a whopping 90%? Learning ideas and facts about the world around them through images contributes to increased recalling capacity and sharpens the minds of children. The visual style of learning leads to a reduction in learning time, increases data capture, leading to quicker idea acquisition for kids.   

  • Boosts analytical skills 

Studies say that these kinds of game-based learning help the kids to almost enhance their analytical skills up to twice the earlier. This is achievable through games that facilitate the use of critical thought and logical reasoning.

Importance of Geography for Children

Whenever we speak or think of Geography, we could only think of anything related to maps, countries, their capitals, etc. But Geography is much more than that. Geography implies the study of humans and their environment, it is connected with the history of human civilization and explains relationships between humans and the environment. Many people pursue Geography as this subject is quite captivating and inspires you to want to learn more. 

Why is Geography fundamental for your children? 

  • Created awareness about the world 

One of the major aspects of Geography is that it provides us with learning about the places and the world we love. This in turn creates a sense of awareness among the kids. Learning geography introduces places and spaces with meaning and knowledge. It also helps children globally with structural knowledge. 

  • Develops vital skills

Developing some important skills in your children is crucial. Geography enhances their reading and reasoning skills for children of all ages, not only in the study of maps but also in the learning resources associated with geography.

  • Keeps track of history

Geography assists us to keep a track of human history, many people don’t understand that Geography somehow linked to the human history of when, and how things have taken shape in the world. 

Learn Geography with UnikPlay

UnikPlay was created with a prime focus on helping the young generation to uncover the geographical aspects of the earth with simplicity and fun. We designed easy cartography products such as ‘Geografika’ so that the kids can learn more about the countries, continents, animals, rivers, and much more in an interactive manner. Happy learning!

Amazing Benefits of Developing Mapping Skills in Children

Wikipedia defines Geography as a branch of science devoted to the study of the Earth’s lands, features, people, and phenomena. Although mapping activities are not only utilized in geography lessons, mapping is what differentiates geography from earth science. Hence, mapping can be a very exciting aspect of learning for children. 

Major reasons to teach mapping skills to children

Below is a list of key factors that will make you realize the importance of developing the habit of mapping skills in children:

  • Strengthens imagination and curiosity 

It’s a beautiful way to learn about the world you are living in. The children enjoy learning about new things around them in interactive and fun ways. It can be very helpful for the children to learn something new every day using a simple visual tool of maps. It inculcates the power of curiosity among the kids to grasp knowledge. 

  • Develops a sense of direction 

A very important characteristic that must be taught to the children is a sense of direction. When you buy a map game or any activity related to maps for your children, you help them in developing their minds in a way that they know the correct directions and also learn something new every day about the world. 

  • Build confidence 

Well, it is undeniable that by understanding other places and the world better, children will eventually go out and begin their interaction. It is very helpful to teach them activities to improve 

Learn with Geografika 

Let your children learn the fun facts of the world with our interactive map games. It includes over 280 illustrations drawn by hand, as well as names of nations, rivers, lakes, oceans & seas, mammals, reptiles & amphibians, birds, sea animals & popular locations, festivals, food, sports, etc. Order your ‘Geogrfika’ today! 

skills to provide a better understanding of other places. If we know more about places and cultures, we would be more secure in communicating with others.

Learn The Fun Way

We believe that children should be taught in a fun and interactive manner that develops a sense of interest in them which generates curiosity about the outside world. Check out our best selling map game, ‘Geografika’, which has captured the attention of many parents who want to teach their children entertainingly!